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Welcome to the Clubhouse Cooking Series.

Food has the amazing ability to bring people together.  In this series we highlight food and all of the fun and fellowship it provides. 

Spotlight on...Eggplant Parm

During a Wellness Meeting, Mera demonstrated her version of an Eggplant Parm Casserole.  Director Chanelle was so impressed by this demonstration, she decided to have a crack at it herself.  This is part 1 in her journey into learning how to make edible food.  Enjoy.

Chopped 1:  The One That Started It All

The staff and members that attended the 11:30 wellness planning meeting came up with the idea to create a "Chopped" style competition for staff and members to participate in.  It has been a big success and a lot of fun for everyone involved.  This is the very first Chopped.

Chopped 2: Electric Boogaloo Ingredient Selection

In August, the Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse decided to hold its 2nd Clubhouse Chopped Competition.  Many ingredients were suggested, and these were the 3 ingredients that were chosen at random for our cheftestsants to use in the competition.

Clubhouse Chopped 2: Electric Boogaloo
In the face of a very challenging set of ingredients, our cheftestants put on their chef caps and got creative.  The final dishes ranged from interesting to brilliant. (Special shoutouts to our guest commentators Dan, Unko Warren and D. Rector)

Mera's Stuffed Lasagna Rolls, As Interpreted By Chanelle

Continuing her journey to learning to cook edible food, our fearless leader Chanelle demonstrates her take on Mera's recipe for Stuffed Lasagna Rolls

Clubhouse Chopped 3 Ingredient Selection
In preparation for our upcoming Chopped competition, Scott selects 3 main ingredients and 1 bonus ingredient for our chefs to use.

Clubhouse Chopped 3

3 Cheftestants stepped up to the challenge in this episode.  The ingredients to be used were:

Lemon Peel

Hot Chocolate


Bonus Ingredient:


Clubhouse Chopped 4

(Thanksgiving Episode)

Our Cheftestants created amazing dishes in this special Thanksgiving themed episode.

The ingredients to be used were:

Pumpkin Spice



Bonus Ingredient:

Sweet Potatoes

Clubhouse Chopped 5
(December 2020)
The Christmas Special


Clubhouse Chopped 6
Starting the New Year off right, our cheftestants create amazing dishes using healthy ingredients 


Clubhouse Chopped 7 Ingredient Selection
(Extra Romantic)
We select ingredients for our next episode of Clubhouse Chopped with romantic spin.  

Clubhouse Chopped 7
(Valentines Episode)
Our Cheftestants created amazing dishes that were extra romantic for this special Valentines Day Episode.  

Clubhouse Chopped 8
(Mini Episode)
In a special Mini episode, our Cheftestants used Chili Flakes, Avocado, Oranges and Spam to create some amazing dishes. 

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