Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse
1045B Kilauea Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 974-4320
Fax: (808) 933-0533

The Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse offers a variety of opportunities for employment and vocational experience to our members. The daily structure of the Clubhouse Work-Ordered Day allows members to gain experience in a variety of different work areas including clerical, food service, and maintenance in the comfortable setting of the Clubhouse.
When a member is ready for employment, the Clubhouse offers 3 levels of support to our members in their journey to independence.
1) Transitional Employment Program
Transitional Employment Program is a fully supported return to work program for members seeking employment after a long absence from the work force. The traditional hiring processes are not required and members have the opportunity to gain or re-gain the skills and confidence necessary in a part time job.
2) Supported Employment
In Supported Employment, the member goes through the full interview and hiring process with the full support of the Clubhouse. Clubhouse staff provides support to both the member and the employer.
3) Independent Employment
In Independent Employment, the member finds a job and goes through the hiring process independently. Support is provided to the member only. This is the last phase of employment, leading to independence.