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Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse
1045B Kilauea Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 974-4320
Fax: (808) 933-0533

"Spotlight On..." is a web series, showcasing the people, businesses, and partnerships that make the Aloha Club of Hilo/Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse and unique and special.
Clubhouse Gone Virtual
A brief introduction into the changes we have made to service our Members through this unique time.

Spotlight On... Episode 1
Highlighting one of our very own Members, Mera.

Spotlight On... Episode 2
Our "Give A Fudge" fundraising partnership with
The Hawaii Fudge Company
(Use the link above and 100% of the profits benefit the Aloha Club of Hilo/Hale 'Oluea Clubouse. You'll also receive free shipping on all orders to Hawaii and the mainland)

Spotlight On... Episode 3
On this episode, we highlight the Hawaii Community Foundation.
We received a grant from the Hawaii Island Strong Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation to provide 60 members with a mobile phone, to access The Hale 'Oluea Virtual Clubhouse, while sheltering at home. Through their generosity, our members can continue to receive the supports and services they need during this difficult time.
Nourishing Neighbors Video Contest
Over the summer, the Aloha Club of Hilo/Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse was invited to participate in a Video Contest sponsored by Nourishing Neighbors. The contest asked us to show how we service our community through the use of food and assistance received through Nourishing Neighbors. Unfortunately, we didn't win, however, we had a great time making the video and remain dedicated to the services we provide to our community. Enjoy!
Spotlight on...Eggplant Parm
During a Wellness Meeting, Mera demonstrated her version of an Eggplant Parm Casserole. Director Chanelle was so impressed by this demonstration, she decided to have a crack at it herself. This is her journey.
Chopped 2: Electric Boogaloo Ingredient Selection
In August, the Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse decided to hold its 2nd Clubhouse Chopped Competition. Many ingredients were suggested and these were the 3 ingredients that we chosen at random for our cheftestsants to use in the competition.
Clubhouse Chopped 2: Electric Boogaloo
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