Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse
1045B Kilauea Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 974-4320
Fax: (808) 933-0533

In accordance with current Hawaii State Department of Health Policy, the number of members and staff that may attend the Clubhouse is limited. Also, staff and members who attend the physical Clubhouse must show proof of vaccination to enter.
For members who aren't vaccinated or wish to attend Clubhouse activities remotely, our meetings and activities will be available virtually through Zoom Meetings.
Clubhouse International and the Hale 'Oluea Clubhouse believes that, while the number of attendees we are allowed is limited, we will continue to support each other through this difficult time. Your staff members will be reaching out to you via phone call. You can also call the Clubhouse at 974-4320 for support, assistance or social interaction.
We also encourage member to member peer support. The Clubhouse is more than just a "mental health program", it's a community. As a community, we want to continue to find ways to remain socially engaged and supportive of each other through this challenging time.
For information on COVID 19 and relaxation techniques to deal with the current situation, click on the link below.